Remac Enterprises unveils Status Page for real-time outage updates


Remac Enterprises, an software development company that focuses on highly qualitative, timely delivered software development as well as enterprise graded phone systems to all size businesses, this week announced that in order to keep clients in the loop with regards to datacenter outages, they have unveiled a real-time Status Page component to their website for immediate outage updates and notices.

Since it’s a natural occurrence to have a datacenter provider experience technical difficulties from time to time, Remac wants clients to have the instant insight they need to know exactly what’s going on and how they can be immediately informed. No one wants to be left in the dark, and instead of spending time searching for phone numbers and waiting on hold, Remac wants people to be able to go directly to the source.

The new Status Page has a subscription feature that any client can submit to. That way, when outage information is posted, they will receive notifications and be up-to-date with whatever is happening, whether it’s good, bad, or just maintenance. This, then, provides instant digital access for all clients to stay ahead of outage updates in real-time.

If you’re someone who likes to know what’s going on and when something will be fixed, check out the new Status Page and subscribe today for real-time updates: